Friday, 12 January 2007

Friday 12 January 2007

It's Friday, which means it's day 1 of use up the veg box! Last night I perused recipes and came up with a vague plan for the week. Then at work I had a couple of different ideas, raided the BBC website for recipes (the joy of internet at work...), and rewrote my shopping list. My aim was a recipe I had all the ingredients for tonight, then shop after eating for anything extra I need for the stuff for the rest of the weekend. The other vague plan is to use as much of the veg as I can over the weekend during my big cooking spree, because I don't cook too much during the week.

So, anyway after that ramble, last night I decided on aloo gobi for the main meal, and a use for the cauliflower that arrived in the box. I was then trying to work out something to go with it. I still had courgette left (will I never find uses for it all?!), and wanted something vaguely spicy to do with it to complement the curry. Anyway, I found a recipe for turmeric spiced bulgar wheat that again used pretty much only ingredients in my possession, so I decided it was a goer. This made two portions, I reckon the leftovers will be OK without reheating as a salad, the only question is working out when to eat them amongst all the other stuff I have planned!

So, veg box day 1 is a success, tomorrow is the great broccoli experiment so wish me luck!

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